
Leading the Charge in Lake Preservation: The League’s Role in Innovative Solutions

League to Save Lake Tahoe
September 27, 2024

The League to Save Lake Tahoe has long been a leader in lake management and environmental preservation, not only for Lake Tahoe but as a model for regions across the globe. With a science-to-solutions approach, the League’s staff, CEO, and board members continually share their expertise at global summits, conferences, and forums. These events allow the League’s team to showcase our cutting-edge innovations and forward-thinking solutions for managing today’s most pressing environmental challenges. 

From pioneering electric mobility initiatives to leveraging data for policy change, the League’s leadership in Lake Tahoe preservation demonstrates our mission to Keep Tahoe Blue and spread the “Tahoe way” to overcome global environmental challenges. 

Tahoe Electric Transportation Forum 

In August, Gavin Feiger, the League’s Policy Director, planned and moderated a key panel on electric mobility at the Tahoe Electric Transportation Forum. As Gavin led discussions on the current policy landscape and investment opportunities in electric transportation, he emphasized how reducing vehicle impacts can dramatically combat Tahoe’s pollution levels and protect the Lake’s clarity. 

Gavin believes this isn’t just about new technology. It’s about working together to create sustainable transportation solutions that reduce the number of vehicles on the road and lower emissions and pollution. 

With microtransit and bike-sharing programs already in place, the League’s role in bringing sustainable transportation options to Tahoe has reduced vehicle traffic and pollution, setting an example for other regions with similar environmental pressures. But there’s still more to do, like electrifying Tahoe’s buses and microtransit shuttles, and connecting the local systems so you don’t need your car when you visit Tahoe. 

National Zero Waste Conference  

On October 7, League Board Member Annette Poliwka and Senior Community Engagement Manager Marilee Movius will represent the League at the Leave No Trace Global Summit. Annette has championed environmental sustainability for over twenty years in roles at the US Environmental Protection Agency, numerous nonprofit environmental boards and commissions, and currently as a zero waste consultant. Marilee has led the League’s litter cleanup mission, citizen science and community outreach programs for a decade. Together, the two will present the power of data to influence policy change and prevent pollution. 

Collecting data allows us to see where the problems are rooted and work directly with land managers to address them. Through relationship-building and community engagement, the League’s programs have directly led to impactful policy changes such as single-use plastic bans in South Lake Tahoe and the introduction of innovative technology like beach-cleaning robots. 

TEDxSouthLakeTahoe: Science to Solutions 

On October 26, CEO Darcie Goodman Collins will take the stage at TEDxSouthLakeTahoe to discuss the theme of “Growth.” In her talk, Darcie will share how the League looks to nature for solutions through biomimicry, cutting-edge technology, and data-driven strategies to address the challenges facing Lake Tahoe. 

“The League’s approach isn’t just about managing the present,” Darcie says, “It’s about piloting groundbreaking projects like trash removal robots and aquatic invasive species control to ensure a sustainable future, so Tahoe can be loved for generations to come.” 

As a native of South Lake Tahoe, Darcie’s passion for her home mountain town drives her to lead the League in innovative, science-based solutions. Her TED talk will inspire others to embrace nature-based innovation to tackle global environmental challenges. 

North American Lake Management Society (NALMS) International Symposium 

On November 8, Laura Patten, the League’s Natural Resource Director, will present at the NALMS International Symposium. Laura’s work focuses on using Lake Tahoe as a real-world laboratory for testing new technologies. From utilizing cutting-edge robots and bubble curtains to managing aquatic invasive species in the Tahoe Keys Containment Project, Laura’s efforts demonstrate the League’s commitment to long-term resilience against climate change. 

Leave No Trace Global Summit 

On October 3, 2024, Marilee Movius will share technology and litter prevention insights at the National Zero Waste Conference. With over a decade of litter data driving policy changes, the League has led the charge in reducing waste through innovative solutions like beach-cleaning robots. The League’s Chief Strategy Officer Jesse Patterson will also lead a discussion on the League’s collaborative program with the USDA Forest Service to “raise the bar for beach management” in Tahoe. In its first year of pilot testing, the Tahoe Blue Beaches program led to significant reductions in visitor impacts at popular beaches on busy summer holidays – including a 97% reduction in litter after the Fourth of July at Zephyr Cove and Shoals.   

The League continues to lead, innovate, and inspire by sharing what we’ve learned to diverse audiences. Our passion and expertise create sustainable solutions for Lake Tahoe and areas facing similar environmental challenges worldwide. 

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