Break the boredom and help reduce waste by learning how to turn your old t-shirts into reusable grocery bags.
Single-use plastics – including bags, utensils, cups and wrappers – are a major source of the litter collected during Keep Tahoe Blue community cleanups. To reduce your plastic trash footprint, tune in to learn how to turn a ratty old t-shirt into an easy-to-wash, reusable tote bag. Remember, it’s more important than ever to keep those reusable bags clean – follow these tips to make sure they are disinfected.
CLICK HERE to send the DIY instructional video to a friend.
April is Earth Month, and you can do your part to Keep Tahoe Blue, even while you shelter-in-place.
We love to see your photos! Send pictures of your new creation to Tag us on Instagram too, #keeptahoeblue & #litterfreetahoe for a chance to be featured on the League’s social media and entered to win an Earth Month prize!