New Environment & Education Center

Our commitment to Lake Tahoe

Since 1957, the League to Save Lake Tahoe has been the leader in environmental protection, preservation and restoration in the Tahoe Basin.

For all our 65 years, the generosity of supporters like you have made possible our many wins for the Lake – from stopping San Francisco-sized development in the Basin, to unlocking over $1 billion for projects that restore the natural wonder you cherish.

You can ensure Tahoe remains beautiful and blue by making an investment in the Lake’s future.

Help us create a new home for the League and leave your mark on Tahoe’s premiere environmental facility. Your legacy will be a healthy, vibrant Lake Tahoe for generations to come.

We can build a vibrant future, together.

Celebrating a win for Tahoe!

We are grateful for the 400+ donors who helped us successfully complete our capital campaign. Together, $6.9 million was raised toward completion of the new Environment & Education Center.

Donors have contributed $6.9 million toward the capital campaign!

Virtual Building Tour

Take the Tour

and share our vision
  • The need


    A view of the League's current building.

    Our previous home in South Lake Tahoe:
    • Lacked the physical space to engage Tahoe’s diverse community.
      • Our new home offers a welcoming, bright, indoor/outdoor space to educate and inspire visitors to take actions that Keep Tahoe Blue.
    • Used a bathroom as a makeshift laboratory.
      • The dedicated lab space in our new home accelerates our scientific water quality monitoring and supports our volunteer citizen science programs.
    • Did not allow our full team of experts to work in the office.
      • As our work has expanded, so has our staff. Our new home offers private and collaborative offices, meeting rooms and communal spaces for our team, partners and the public.
    • Was in a less busy area, hidden from view and felt uninviting.
      • Prominently located along the primary roadway and bike path in bustling, midtown South Lake Tahoe, our new home is easy to see and access by walkers, cyclists and motorists.
  • A visionary space to Keep Tahoe Blue

    A view from the road looking toward the League's new home at 2877 Lake Tahoe Boulevard in South Lake Tahoe.

    • A reflection of Lake Tahoe’s stunning natural landscape
    • A hub for collaboration, volunteering and community engagement, focused on lake preservation
    • The home base necessary to continue serving as the Basin’s most influential and effective environmental watchdog
    • An opportunity to redevelop an existing structure to the highest environmental standards 
    • A vehicle to further our mission
  • The location


    Map showing location of new Environment & Education Center

    • The office building at 2877 Lake Tahoe Boulevard, South Lake Tahoe – purchased in November 2020
    • High visibility location, across from Denny’s at the corner of US 50 and Al Tahoe Boulevard
    • Along the south shore’s busiest road
    • On the crosstown bike path
  • Our progress
    Thanks to donor investments, we have completed:
    • Interior demolition of the pre-existing building
    • Re-engineered floor plan, with public spaces on the ground floor and offices above
    • New roofing and high-efficiency insulation package
    • Installation of floors, tile, drywall and finishes
    • Planting of living roof
    • Build-out of new store space, currently open for shopping
  • A community venue unique in Tahoe

    Architectural rendering

    • The only LEED-certified office building in South Lake Tahoe that is the embodiment of our principles: sustainability, innovation, advocacy and community engagement
    • Teaching laboratory facilities and an outdoor amphitheater to enhance our community education and citizen science programs
    • A showcase for Lake-friendly redevelopment, with native demonstration gardens and sustainable building displays
  • A space to inspire visitors

    Computer rendering of office interior

    • Beautiful, engaging design elements that communicate the importance of science, such as a depiction of changing lake clarity using ceramic tiles
    • An immersive education center to foster environmental awareness and action
    • Reclaimed wood from the Caldor Fire to start conversations about the impacts of climate change and necessity of ecosystem resilience
    • Indoor and outdoor teaching environments, and a studio to produce digital media and video
    • An outdoor amphitheater to host community events in Tahoe 
  • Ground floor plan

    Downstairs floor plan of the League's new building

    Community space and education center
  • Second floor plan

    Downstairs floor plan of the League's new building

    Keep Tahoe Blue professional offices

Naming Opportunities

Create your lasting legacy with an investment in the Lake’s future.

“The [Donor Name] Keep Tahoe Blue Environment & Education Center”

$1,000,000 donation

Educational Garden
Generously presented by: Joan Lane
“The Lane Native Garden”

$500,000 donation

1 available
“The [Donor Name] Amphitheater”

$500,000 donation

Amphitheater Entrance
Generously presented by: The Borden and Child Families
“The Borden and Child Families Amphitheater Entrance”

$100,000 donation

Generously presented by: Michael and Nevena Bailey
“The Alexandrova Bailey Family Atrium”

$250,000 donation

Generously presented by: Fritzi & David Huntington
“The Huntington Environment & Education Center Gallery”

$150,000 donation

Team/Break Room
Generously presented by: The Aster Family
“The Aster Family Café”

$100,000 donation

Board Room
Generously presented by:
The Diana Dollar Knowles Foundation
“The Diana Dollar Knowles Foundation Board Room”

$100,000 donation

Retail Space
Generously presented by: The Kerrigan Family
“The Kerrigan Family Boutique”

$100,000 donation

Citizen Science Laboratory
Generously presented by: Rich Wendling
“The Wendy Hayward Wendling Citizen Science Laboratory”

$100,000 donation

Garden Patio
Generously presented by: Sand Hill Foundation
“The Sand Hill Foundation Garden Patio”

$50,000 donation

Media Production Room
Generously presented by: The Parasol Tahoe Community Foundation
“The Parasol Tahoe Community Foundation Media Production Room”

$25,000 donation

Collaboration Hubs
1 available / 1 secured
“The [Donor Name] Hub”
$20,000 donation
Generously presented by: The Gorelick Family
“The Gorelick Family Fund Hub”

3 available / 1 secured
“The [Donor Name] Office”

$10,000 donation
Generously presented by: Southwest Gas Foundation
“The Southwest Gas Foundation Office”

Thank you to our generous donors


Joan Lane

Steve and Katy Spurlock



Aster Family Foundation

The Evers Family

Suzanne and Raymond Flores

Anne Harper and Richard Ronald

Claudia Huntington

Erin and Ryan Kerrigan

The Diana Dollar Knowles Foundation

Anonymous in Honor of Melvin and Joan Lane

Claire and Kimball McCloud

Merrill Family Foundation

Nevena and Michael Bailey

Rich Wendling



Pipkin Family Foundation

Sand Hill Foundation

William G. Irwin Foundation



Parasol Tahoe Community Foundation

Bill Price

Joseph Tobin



Sharon Lane

John Underhill


Bob Alessandrelli

Larry Alsop and Loretta Friedel


Susan Antipa

Sarah Armstrong and Roger Barnes

David and Jeanne Atwood

Henry and Karen Austin

Christine and Richard Bareuther

Neil and Jill Barnes

Lockwood Barr

Ronald Barraclough

Dario and Natalina Bernardi

Jack and Susan Boland

Robert and Susan Boyette

Linda Brandenburger

John E Brissenden

Steven Brown

Kathleen Brown

Hedi Burkhart

Chet and Kay Caldeira

Barrie Callender

Dale and Jacquie Callihan

Robert and Carole Caplan

Valerie and Bruno Castejon

Stephen Catton and Maureen Sheehy

Judith and David E. Collins

Edwin and Edna Colloff

John and Mary Cronick

Russ Dahler and Soozee Edminster

Herbert Danielsen and Anita Freyman-Danielsen

Laurence and Janet Darrow

Karin and Alan Dashen

Gwen Davis-Toso

Ken and Gloria DeAlba

Constance Deller

Ronald and Patricia Dolbeck

Michael Dolphin

Drew and Delila Donovan

Leland and Celia Douglas

Scott and Maryam Ebke

EN2 Resources, INC.

Chris and Fred Fabre

Rachel Farringer

John and Kate Faust

Paul Feigenbaum and Mary Kemeny

Robert and Arlene Fife

Greg and Sue Ford

Susan and Bill Foster

Joanne and Dale Freeman

David Fritz

Donna Gallo

Peter Gandell

Dayna and Gerald Ghio

John and Patricia Giosso

Steven Goldberg

Dennis and Margaret Goza

Randall and Jana Greer

Susan and Raymond Griffin

Joanne Gustafson

William and Jacqueline Harrison

Joe Haynes

Michael and Anna Hearn

William and Gloria Heiss

Nora and Nate Hennings

Frances Herrall

Arnold and Paula Hider

Norman and Joan Hill

Karen Hillman

Henry Horn

Robert and Arzelle Hudnall

Rae and Joan Huffstutler

Michael and Sherry Hunt

Bruce and Elizabeth Hutchinson

Judith Jeffery

Charles and Ann Johnson

Theresa and Stephanie Kato

Kelly Kavanagh

Mike and Karen Kealy

Marina Kelterborn

Teri Ketchie

Judith Keyani

Thomas Keyser and Constance Lindsey

Marcella Laddon and Richard Rahders

Robert Lambie

Lynne Lampros

Roy Lautamo and Patricia Case

Kevin Lee

David and Karen Leff

Edward and Candy Lehman

Keith Levinson

Jean Lhuillier and Beatriz Lucero

Noah and Katherine Loungarikis

Robert and Ann Lyman

Jennifer Magnusson

Karl and Antoinette Mallard

Thomas and Patricia Marnell

Tanner Marvel

Karen Maxson

Katharine McClure

Richard and Kristine McColloch

James McNamara and Nancy Nelson

Thomas and Farida Mein

Frank Mendez

Ann Meyer

David and Norah Miller

Tracey Millham

Janice Milligan

Dixie and John Moynihan

Dennis and Darlene Neeley

Ruth Nemergut

Thu Nguyen

Gordon and Sandra Nixon

William and Barbara O’Dell

Jerry and Diana Olson

Gail Palmer

Jeff Parker

Marilyn Parsons

Robert Parsons

Shannon Patrick

Dylan Paulson

Robert Perez and Pamela Lewis Perez

Robert and Carolyn Peters

William and Nancy Peterson

Andrew and Linda Pounds

Kevin and Linda Pratt

Thomas and Peggy Prescott

Donald Price

Genevieve Prideaux-Brune

John Ralph

Patricia and Ralph Ramacciotti

Kevin Randick

Terry Raymond

Mark Reeve

Mark Reeve

Roland and Palmina Rende

Don and Michele Reynolds

Dianne and Justin Roach

Wes and Elizabeth Robb

Gael Rodgers

Paul Romnes

Bernard and Shelley Ross

Linda and Jim Rudroff

Robert and June Safran

Anahid Sarkisian

Russell Satake and Anita Lusebrink

Donald Sauer and Maureen Kokkas

Michael Schonenberg and Tracy Neistadt

Donald and Ellen Scott

Sharon Simpson

Joan Slate

Brian and Heather Sloss

Daniel and Jaime Snyder

Scott Sowarby

Deanne Spears

Diane and Jonathan Spieler

Francis and Carol Spiller

Lucile Spurlock

Gordon Steele

Jeanine Stevens

Steffanie Stoker

Brian Suen

Steve and Derby Talbot

William and Patty Tamblyn

Donald and Dana Teixeira

Debra TenBruggencate

Michel and Ursula Thielen

Joseph Thompson

Suzanne Thompson

  1. and Margaret Thorne

Isabelle Toms

Thomas and Jennifer Treuhaft

Dale Tritschler

Dale and Lila Truett

Steve and Carolyn Ulrich

Sharon Van Iderstine

Lindsay Walker

Scott Whitlow

Diane Williams

Wade and Judith Wnuk

Carole Wolfman

Alan and Lisa Zawistoski

Allison and Nick Zuvela