Tahoe in the News

Data reveals less trash on Tahoe beaches after July Fourth following new beach management

Sydney Peerman | KUNR Public Radio
August 14, 2024

The League to Save Lake Tahoe released data from 11 years of 4th of July beach cleanups last week. The data reveals significant improvements in the amount of trash found this year.
The League’s annual “Keep Tahoe Red, White & Blue” beach cleanup started in 2014, to tackle the litter left behind after 4th of July celebrations.

Since then, more than 26,000 pounds of trash have been removed from Tahoe’s shores over the years. Of this, 60% was found to be plastic.

This year, a record turnout of 800 volunteers showed up to help, and found far less trash than in 2023.

“Last year, our volunteers picked up over 8000 pounds of trash throughout the basin, and the entire Tahoe community really saw that as a call to action,” said Laura Patten, natural resource director for the League.

read the full story.

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