More than four tons of trash was cleaned up from Lake Tahoe and its surroundings after the Fourth of July holiday weekend, according to the League to Save Lake Tahoe Blue, a non-profit that works to preserve the freshwater lake and its surroundings.
More than 400 volunteers, including residents and visitors, collected over 8,500 pounds of cigarette butts, plastic food wrappers, beach toys, beer boxes — and even barbecues — from six popular beach sites, nearby parking lots, and streets around the Tahoe basin in three hours on July 5.
In a press release, the League said “the trash removed this year is tragically an all-time high on this, the 10th anniversary of Tahoe’s largest litter cleanup event.”
The “Keep Tahoe Red, White & Blue” Beach Cleanup event has been held annually since 2014. This year 14 businesses, organizations and local governments partnered with the League to bring this litter cleanup event to life.